Saturday, March 15, 2014

QR Codes

QR Codes are a modern way of passing and accessing information quickly.  QR stands for 'Quick Response', and can be quickly read from a QR code scanner such as a cell phone.  They are a robust form of data that holds more information than a standard bar code.  QR codes can store web addresses,  product details, coupons, geo-coordinates, and much more.  Part of the reason they are becoming so widely used is because so many people now have access to a QR Code reader on their phone.  Using just an app on a modern smart phone, you can take a picture of the QR Code and instantly have access to the information within.

QR Codes are also incredibly stable.  They can still be read with up to 30% of the code being obscured or damaged.  That is an impressive improvement to standard bar codes that are useless if a little piece of it is unreadable.  

QR Codes are also very easy to produce.  There are many websites, such as,  that you can go to and have one auto generated for you.  Initially, they were developed for industrial purposed for tracking parts because it allowed for high speed data scanning but they can easily be used for business cards or self promotion and are frequently used in advertisements and coupons.  


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